Affiliate Marketing: Types, examples and how it works

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Affiliate Marketing: Promoting product, Types, and how it works image Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash
Today we will discuss Affiliate marketing, its types, examples, and how it works. Let's start by defining it. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing where an affiliate promotes a product or service to potential customers and earns a commission for each sale or conversion made through their unique affiliate link. It is a popular way for businesses to increase their sales and for individuals to earn passive income.
For more detail about affiliate marketing read here.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

    The process of affiliate marketing is relatively simple. Here's how it works:
  1. An affiliate (also known as a publisher) promotes a product or service on their website or social media platform using a unique affiliate link provided by the merchant.

  2. When a user clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase or completes a desired action (such as signing up for a newsletter or filling out a form), the affiliate earns a commission.

  3. The commission rate varies depending on the product and the affiliate program. Some programs offer a percentage of the sale, while others offer a flat fee per conversion.

  4. The merchant (also known as the advertiser or product owner) benefits from increased exposure and sales generated by the affiliate's promotion.

Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative source of income, for affiliates who have a large following or a targeted audience interested in the products or services being promoted.

Types of Affiliate Programs

There are several types of affiliate programs available, including:

  • Pay-per-click (PPC) affiliate marketing: In PPC affiliate marketing, the affiliate earns a commission when a user clicks on their affiliate link and visits the merchant's website. The commission is typically little per click, and the conversion rate is usually low.

  • Pay-per-lead (PPL) affiliate marketing: In PPL affiliate marketing, the affiliate earns a commission when a user clicks on their affiliate link and completes a specific action, such as filling out a form or signing up for a free trial. The commission is typically higher than in PPC affiliate marketing, but the conversion rate is lower

  • Pay-per-sale (PPS) affiliate marketing: In PPS affiliate marketing, the affiliate earns a commission when a user clicks on their affiliate link and makes a purchase on the merchant's website.
    The commission is typically a percentage of the sale amount and can be lucrative for successful affiliates.

  • Two-tier affiliate marketing: In two-tier affiliate marketing, the affiliate will not only earns a commission on their sales but will also earn on the sales of other affiliates they refer to the program. This can create a passive income stream for successful affiliates.

  • Influencer affiliate marketing: Influencer affiliate marketing involves partnering with influencers on social media platforms to promote products and services to their followers. The influencer earns a commission on each sale made through their unique affiliate link.

Examples Of Affiliate Marketing:

  • Amazon Associates: Amazon Associates is one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world. To join simply, sign up for an account on the Amazon Associates website and provide information about your website or social media channels. Once your application is approved, you can start promoting Amazon products and earning a commission on each sale you make through your affiliate link.

  • eBay Partner Network: eBay Partner Network is an affiliate marketing program that allows affiliates to promote eBay products and earn a commission on each sale made through their affiliate link. To join, sign up for an account on the eBay Partner Network website and provide information about your website or social media channels.

  • Jumia Affiliate Program: Jumia is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in Nigeria and has an affiliate program that allows affiliates to promote Jumia's products and earn a commission on each sale made through their affiliate link. To join simply sign up for an account on the Jumia Affiliate Program website and provide information about your website or social media channels.

  • Payporte Affiliate Program: Payporte is an online store offering users an affiliate program.

    Affiliates can promote Payporte's products and earn a commission on each sale made through their affiliate link. To join, sign up for an account on the Payporte Affiliate Program website and provide information about your website or social media channels.

  • Bet9ja Affiliate Program: Bet9ja is a popular sports betting platform in Nigeria that supports an affiliate program. Affiliates can promote Bet9ja's betting services and earn a commission on each sale made through their affiliate link. To join, sign up for an account on the Bet9ja Affiliate Program website, and provide information about your website or social media channels.

Overall, affiliate marketing is a win-win situation for both affiliates and merchants, as it allows affiliates to earn passive income and merchants to increase their brand exposure and generate more sales.

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