Belated To the genuine fathers, Happy Father's Day, by Francis Ewherido

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Belated To the genuine fathers, Happy Father's Day, by Francis Ewherido image

Father's Day came on Sunday last week, and Francis Ewherido, managing director and chief executive of Titan Insurance Brokers Limited, expressed his best wishes.
Although it is late, congratulations are always welcome. Happy Father's Day, then. I saw several social media comments from folks who were upset that some Happy Father's Day tweets used qualifiers like "real" and "good." Exactly why are they grumbling? Who has fatherhood? Has a lady ever been pregnant by simply a man? So a woman is a mother because she carried a child? Did the infant suckle her? 25 years after leaving him/her at birth, she returns and asserts she is the mother. I plead for a clear path to let me pass. Concomitant with fatherhood come duties.
All the finest wishes in the world are needed for real or decent fathers. In today's complex environment, being a good father is not simple. Fatherhood comes with a lot of ongoing obligations. I'd like to borrow your lecture notes, please. First, the father serves as the head of his family. There are three leadership domains that a father must exercise to be a good leader.
They are the capacity to manage oneself, the capacity to manage others (the wife and kids separately), and the capacity to manage the family as a whole.
Your performance in the other leadership categories is heavily influenced by your capacity for self-leadership. According to Willie Petersen, self-leadership is having a thorough understanding of oneself, a set of ethically superior principles that define who you are, self-control, and a dedication to the cause of the family. A good parent (leader) sets a good example by doing in the same way that they speak. A parent who lives up to his word does what he says.
A parent is a teacher as well. Someone who gives information is a teacher. A parent is a teacher who aids in his children's acquisition of wisdom, skill, and virtue.

A parent also serves as a mentor to his kids. A mentor is someone who gradually offers direction and counsel to a protégé who is younger or less experienced. Both mentoring and teaching include the transfer of information, but mentoring does it to provide advice. Every parent ought to act as a role model for his kids.
The act of bonding is crucial to parenthood. To create a cohesive family, every father should take the time to purposefully interact with his kids.
When families dine together, there is a paradigm shift that helps families connect. Because the "indomie generation" eats differently than previous generations, many families no longer regularly sit down for meals together. Additionally, due to everyone owning a laptop or smartphone these days, families hardly ever watch television together. But happily, many families have WhatsApp groups where everyone can interact, whether they are at home or overseas.
Additionally, Zoom offers family gatherings. If you don't change, your family's relationship will deteriorate.
The friendship you have with your kids is related to bonding. becoming involved in your children's life without becoming friends with them is incredibly challenging. Some fathers find it difficult to uphold discipline while simultaneously becoming friends. There is no problem. Because venomous snakes may kill lions, lions in protected parks are educated at a young age to stay away from them. They replicate snake movement by coupling a snake-like item to an electric source to do. The power source turns on when the lion attacks the snake-like item.

The lion runs away for protection after receiving an electric shock.
Lions will learn to avoid snakes early on in game reserves as a result. Your family's leadership includes maintaining order in the home. Early limits should be established, and they should be respected by your children's friendship. Friendship is crucial if you want to enter another person's life and learn about their joys and sufferings, likes and dislikes, decisions and indecisions, pleasures and pains, agonies and other problems. You can perform the roles of a friend, teacher, and mentor more effectively if you are familiar with their environment. Stop right here.
As I mentioned at the beginning, I learned about Father's Day this year late. I occasionally overlook significant dates. When my doctor scheduled my next visit for March 9th, 2021, I was with him at the time. When my wife remarked, "That will not be possible," I had already agreed. She overruled me, and I was furious until she spoke again. It is his birthday on that day. That birthday was significant because I needed to express my gratitude to God for preserving my life during a particularly trying time.
Happily, my wife ardently prayed for me on Father's Day. It greatly affected me. She constantly gives me presents and keeps track of significant dates. However, I am not complaining because there was no present this year.

I don't have the right to gripe. I don't purchase gifts frequently and I occasionally miss significant occasions, so what right do I have to complain? I'm ashamed of this dreadful quality about myself. Or maybe it's just because I'm not romantic? Except for the bouquet at our wedding, I've never bought flowers for her. I never gave female flowers before we were married, not even on Valentine's Day.
It is not a lack of knowledge. I've never given flowers.
Several years ago, during our counselling session, a woman confided in me that her husband is not amorous. I told her straight out that I am even more guilty. But I warned her spouse against imitating my poor behaviour. He ought to be romantic. Because he is wealthy, he should treat his wife to presents, candlelit meals, and romantic getaways. I seldom ever go anywhere without my wife.
To me, that just seems normal, but are those journeys inside and outside of Nigeria romantic getaways? The best person to answer that is my wife, but I just like being with her.
Long ago, while I was celebrating my 40th birthday, I admitted to the world that I am not very romantic. My wife was significantly pregnant with our youngest baby when my prankster buddy questioned how she could concur with me that I am unromantic.
Being able to get your wife pregnant is not the same as being passionate. Since I am aware of what being romantic entails, I am confident that I am not romantic. Following my session with the young couple, I made the decision that I must put my advice (romance) into action. After a few tests, I realized that I was not real, much as David experienced when Saul outfitted him with an armoured garment and a bronze helmet on his head to face Goliath. I now rely on my sling and my smooth stones: care, as David did. For more than 24 years, it has contributed to the longevity of my marriage. Despite not being romantic, I take comfort in the fact that I am caring.
However, other spouses believe that it is okay to be both passionate and considerate at the same time. Please contribute to dispelling the myth that males from the Urhobo and other Niger Delta ethnic groups are not amorous. Don't let a few rotten apples, like myself, ruin the whole basket.
The father must also adore his wife. Not only is it a biblical commandment, but it also teaches your sons how to be devoted husbands in the future.

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