Best Digital Advertising Platforms for publishers and advertisers in 2024

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Best Digital Advertising Platforms image By Joshua Earle on Unsplash
This article will explore advertising and provide a list of top advertising networks for advertisers and publishers to consider.

Let's start with defining advertising, and we will boil it down to the list of advertising platforms to try out as a publisher or advertisers. As you may have noticed, we have thousands of advertising platforms. We have crafted this article to help you make the right choice with your advert placement or partnership. Here we go.

What is advertising?

Advertising is the process of promoting, or selling a service, product, or idea through various media channels such as websites, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, etc.

Who are publishers in advertising?

Advertising publishers are platforms, people, or companies that provide advertising space or airtime for advertisers to promote their products, services, or ideas to a target audience. Examples include newspapers, magazines, television networks, websites, social media platforms, and radio stations.

Best recommended advertising networks


Google Adsense is one of the most popular advertising networks. It's a network owned and managed by Google.
It is always the first choice of anyone who dreams of generating income through advertising and also companies/brands who are promoting their products/services.

AdSense allows website owners who are accepted to earn revenue by displaying ads on their websites.

Adsense has partially strict rules for publishers and advertisers as well. They have accepted many sites and rejected many without any direct reason.

Before signing up for publisher on Adsense, you should take care of the things I will list below:
1. Your website is up and running,
2. Website is up to 6 months old,
3. Website has up to 1k visitors per-day,
The website does not contain illegal stuff, fake news, and no adult content.

These may not guarantee 100% acceptance into the ads network, but they will help you stand a chance.
You should also read their terms and conditions for more information.
Create a Google Adsense account here.


Asterra network is another wonderful advertising network and AdSense alternative.
Adsterra offers a wide range of ad formats, including push notifications, display, and native ads.
They have multiple payment options for publishers, including Bitcoin, Paypal, Wire transfer, Web Money, Tether, Paxum, etc.

Adsterra serves over 30 billion ad impressions monthly worldwide (70% mobile traffic). It works with over 21K direct publishers and 13K+ brands, affiliates, and media agencies.

Adsterra helps advertisers meet their KPIs and grow their ROI. And publishers and affiliates get maximum CPM. With lovely and responsive customer support, Adsterra is one of the best platforms to try out.

The company takes serious measures to detect, prevent, and fight fraud and scams. They inspect every website and campaign before approval through reliable third-party solutions and a human review.
Another great news for publishers is that Adsterra has no minimum traffic requirements, and publishers are accepted into their platforms faster.

Sign up for adstera network today. is a leading advertising network that focuses on contextual ads. is known for its high-quality ads and high payouts. is a "Yahoo" "Bing" contextual ads network and a direct competitor to Google Adsense. It enables web and mobile publishers to easily and effectively earn advertising revenue. offers its publishers a self-serve platform to create ad units that display a mix of relevant display and text ads for Desktop and Mobile traffic.

Try here


HilltopAds is a performance-based ad network that provides direct link ads, interstitials, and pop-unders.
HilltopAds is a great option for website owners looking to monetize their traffic or people who need more leads to their products and services. HilltopAds doesn't have strict rules for accepting publishers to network like and Adsense.
This network has a very high CPM for a direct link. HilltopAds will always be the best option for you, if you have a music download site or social traffic.
Sign up to HiltopAds here..


Bidvertiser is a pay-per-click advertising network that allows website owners to display ads on their sites and earn revenue based on the number of clicks.

Bidvertiser offers its services to all types of advertisers, including Fortune 500 companies, small local businesses, and bloggers who want to monetize their blogs.
Bidvertiser's self-serve platform offers advertisers easy access to multiple ad formats, including text links, banners, and video ads.

Bidvertiser is best for advertisers because it's a pay-per-click advertising platform.

Monetize your Website or Blog with BidVertiser
or Drive traffic to your website with BidVertiser - Click Here!


Outbrain is another popular recommendation Platform, content discovery, and native advertising network.

They offer website owners the ability to earn revenue by displaying ads on their sites.
Their ads usually blend with the content on your website and can have multiple banners per page. It makes it more possible to generate leads through any user that visits your site.
They have the option to shuffle your website content with ads and allow you to get more page views.
Outbrain has a flexible payment method both for publishers and advertisers. If you own a high-quality media, news, or entertainment website, consider trying Outbrain to maximize your income.
Generate income with your website on Outbrain here. or
Advertise your content or products on Outbrain here.


Taboola is a leading advertising network founded in 2007 that specializes in content discovery and native advertising.
Taboola is at the forefront of native advertising with numerous premium advertisers. Taboola has become one of the go-to choice advertising networks when it comes to content discovery and native advertising.
The only downside is the rejection of many people into their platform, but you may still try them out. They have quality ads and multiple payment options. Before trying them out, check that you have over 10,000 page views per month.

Taboola helps people explore interesting things and new at the moment. It makes it impossible for your user to leave without clicking ads on your website.

Try Taboola here..

Note: this list above is unordered, but the above-listed ad networks are all great and worth giving a trial. Secondly, you can use many ads on your website, depending on your choice, but I always recommend you use two or three different ad networks to maintain a fast and user-friendly website.


There are still many wonderful networks out there that are not listed here, and even new networks keep showing up everyday.
I will consider expanding this article, adding more networks, or writing another article about it very soon.
Also note that when you sign up through our unique link, we may earn a commission, but this will not affect our review or your earnings. Let's take some deep breath from here and call it a day, and don't forget to subscribe to our email list and follow us on social media.

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