Top 10 best programming languages to learn in 2023

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Today we will talk about the best 10 programming languages you can learn as a beginner. We will guide you in making the right choice, as we all know that everybody's choice will never be the same, but we also know that there are always people who have been where we dream to be as well.
In this article, we will list the top 10 best and recommended programming languages you should learn in 2023. We will describe each programming language we mention here and how it can be useful to you.
Our rating may be based on popularity, use case, career opportunity, beginner-friendly, and wider support, etc.
If you don’t understand what programming is all about we recommend you read this article first what is computer programming?
Now without wasting much of our time let's dive into this topic.

Top 10 best programming languages to learn in 2023

  1. Python

  2. JavaScript

  3. Java

  4. C and C++

  5. PHP

  6. Ruby

  7. C#

  8. Swift

  9. Go

  10. Kotlin

Now let’s describe the above programming languages, and how I can help you elevate your career in 2023. You also need to know that some programming languages may only be used for a particular purpose while others can be used in almost any type of project. Example is JavaScript, all responsive websites on the internet today use JavaScript regardless of their back-end languages.
Now let’s continue where we left off.

1. Python programming language

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language; Python was first released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum . It is dynamically typed and garbage-collected; its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (particularly procedural), object-oriented and functional programming.

It is currently the most trending programming language due to its ease of use, high demand, rapid development, and ease of learning, among all python, is very powerful and reliable when it comes to AI, ML, Mathematical Computation, and Data Analysis.
With tons of ready-to-use libraries, almost everything you want to do already has a powerful library in python, another interesting part is the ease of employment, many big companies use python, and for that, it is relatively easy to get a job when you are a Pythonist.
Some Big companies that use Python:

Quora, and more.

In addition, Python has many powerful frameworks that we can rely on to develop world-class web apps with little effort.
Some of the frameworks are:

It is relatively easy to get started with Python, and since many people are already making use of it, you can always get help quickly when you ran into any problem.

Whether you’re looking to improve your coding skills or start a career in technology, learning a good programming language can bring many benefits. It helps hone your technical and problem-solving skills and get a high-paying job, or you may turn out to develop a world-class tech company.
Python has ranked the number one programming language in TIOBE and PYPL Index.

And according to Stack Overflow, it is currently the most popular backend programming language and the most wanted technology.
Python is also the most popular programming language when it comes to Data Science and Machine Learning, AI (Artificial Intelligence) projects.
It has a lot of followers and a great community that helps and supports each other.
It offers endless possibilities and allows you to create applications, AI software, games, websites, and many more with little effort.
Python has a lot of fans because it is clear and easy to learn syntax. It is a very popular choice for beginners.
The time required to test the code is highly reduced because of the interactive features of the languages such as quick code tests. For all this, we rank python as the number one programming language.

2. JavaScript scripting/programming language

JavaScript always shorten as JS, is a programming/scripting language that is one of the core technologies of the Web, alongside HTML and CSS.
According to Wikipedia, 98% of websites use JavaScript on the client side for webpage behavior and manipulations as of 2022.
All major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to execute the code on users' devices.

JavaScript is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled language that conforms to the ECMAScript standard.
JavaScript was first designed by Brendan Eich, and its first appearance was in December 4 1995.
According to Stack Overflow Developers Survey, JavaScript is the most popular and the third most wanted programming language in 2021. Although it’s the most popular language, it was also the most demanded technology by hiring managers in 2020.

Like Python, it has a strong community and many off-the-shelf libraries and frameworks that make it easy to work with the language. JavaScript has no competition if you need to create a frontend for your website, application, or software. It’s one of the best platforms in case of building dynamic elements on the website.
Some JavaScript libraries and frameworks:
Popper.js, and many more.
Even after choosing another programming language, you must know JavaScript if want to develop a responsive website, so we rank JS the number 2 choice programming language.

3. Java programming language

Java is a high-level, object-oriented, class-based programming language. It is a general-purpose programming language that let programmers write code once, and run it anywhere (WORA), this means that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need to recompile.
Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and was released in May 1995.
Java is very good when it comes to app development, most especially android apps. Even though Java index keep declining over the years, it is still the choice of many developers and big tech companies. Java is currently one of the two languages available in android studio.
If you love or wish to develop apps, then Java is a great choice you should consider, it also has a great career opportunity for people seeking employment.
Java also has some handy frameworks to help speed up your development needs, below are some frameworks you may want to explore if you are interested in learning java:
JavaServer Faces [JSF]
Google web toolkit [GWT]
Hibernate, and many more.

It is also beloved that over 3 billion devices run Java, this may be true but following the decline in the use of java and the coming out of languages like Kotlin, we believe that this figure may have gone down by now. But that doesn’t change the fact that Java is one of the needed and also high-paying programming languages.
We rank Java 3rd on our list Java is still a stable language that many large corporations support. It is used by top companies such as NASA, Spotify, Uber, Netflix, Amazon, LinkedIn, and many more.

Java is mostly used in mobile applications development, web development, and even Big Data. It is the primary programming language for Android devices, so its demand will still be very high. Today it is ranked the 5th most popular technology according to Stack Overflow.

4. C and C++ Programming language

C is a general-purpose computer programming language. It was created in the 1970s by Dennis Ritchie, and remains very widely used and influential. By design, C's features cleanly reflect the capabilities of the targeted CPUs. It is commonly used in operating systems, device drivers, and protocol stacks, though decreasingly for application software.
And C++ is a high-level general-purpose programming language created by Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C programming language.
The C++ programming language has expanded significantly over time, and modern C++ now has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.

C is one of the oldest programming languages, from which other languages such as JavaScript and C# are derived.

Both C and C++ programming languages have high performance, so they are commonly used to build system applications, games, and even other programming languages. They are universal languages, which means they can be compiled for many systems. Programmers love them for being very fast and efficient.

Currently, C is the second most popular language according to the TIOBE Index, right after Python and we rank it number 4th here. The demand for C and C++ is very high in the tech industry today and is also used by many big companies.

5. PHP programming language

PHP is a general-purpose programming/scripting language. It was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf Danish-Canadian programmer in 1993 and released in 1995.
PHP is a recursive acronym which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP is a very powerful programming language and is used in many popular tech companies, it also has a very elegant framework Laravel to ease your development stress with PHP.
Companies using PHP:
Fandom, and many more.
For people who are looking to get employed by a tech company is always good to consider learning a programming language that is used by most tech companies, as it can make it easy for you to be employed. PHP is the 5th on our list and also one of the most needed and high-paying skills in the tech industry today.

6. Ruby programming language

Ruby is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. It was designed with an emphasis on programming productivity and simplicity. Everything in Ruby is an object, including primitive data types. It was developed in 1995 by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan.

Ruby is a very easy-to-learn programming language, with simple syntax and a wide community all over the world. It has a very powerful and flexible framework called Ruby on Rails which is used by many popular companies.

Companies using Ruby:
Airbnb, and many more.

Ruby is a very good programming language to learn and is also among the top 10 paying programming languages in the world today. Here we rank Ruby as the 6th choice programming language to explore in 2023.

7. C# programming language

C# is a general-purpose, high-level, object-oriented, multi-paradigm programming language.

The C# programming language was designed in the year2000, by Anders Hejlsberg from Microsoft and was later approved as an international standard by Ecma (ECMA-334) in 2002 and ISO/IEC (ISO/IEC 23270) in 2003.
C# is tightly integrated with the .NET platform, which is both a framework and a runtime environment.

C# is a technology developed to write apps for Windows systems. Still, since the .NET framework came to Linux and Mac systems, it is possible to create native software in this language for virtually any platform. You can use this technology to create Windows apps, anti-hacking software, video games, mobile apps, VR, and many more. It is used by global giants such as Slack and Pinterest. It is currently ranked #5 in the Tiobe ranking. We rank C# number 7th recommended choice for programmers, and it also has tons of high-paying jobs from big tech companies.

8. Swift programming language

Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. and the open-source community in 2014.

Swift replaced Objective-C, which is used by Apple's earlier. It is mainly used in devices running macOS, iOS, and Linux. Its syntax is similar to Java and C#, and it allows you to write applications for watches, tablets, computers, smartphones, TVs, and servers.
Swift was built with the open-source LLVM compiler framework and has been included in Xcode since version 6, released in 2014. On Apple platforms, it uses the Objective-C runtime library, which allows C, Objective-C, C++, and Swift code to run within one program.
Swift is and will always be the first choice of anyone who wishes to develop apps for IOS.
According to TIOBE, Swift’s popularity is on the rise again; as a result, it is a technology worth knowing in 2023. We rank Swift as the number 8th programming language to explore.

9. GO programming language

Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson in 2007.

Go is often referred to as Golang because of its former domain name,, but its proper name is Go. Its syntax is similar to that of C, but it comes with memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-style concurrency.

It is an easy-to-learn, programming language with a clean syntax, making it easy to write, simple, reliable, and efficient software.

Go is currently one of the best-paid technologies and among the top 10 most demanded backend programming languages. It means that if you learn this programming language, you won’t have any problems finding a well-paid job. According to Stack Overflow, the median of their yearly salary is around $76k.

Go, like Python, is used to create systems based on artificial intelligence, so its popularity will likely continue to grow. We rank Go number 9th programming language to learn in 2023.

10. Kotlin programming language

Kotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference. Kotlin is designed to interoperate fully with Java, and it is easier to learn, with shorter syntax than Java.
In 2019 Google announced Kotlin as its preferred language for Android apps, then the interest in this programming language increased noticeably. Many people have switched from using Java to using Kotlin in android studio.
If you are interested in Android app development and want to work in this field, then learning Kotlin in 2023 may be your right choice. We rank it the number 10th programming language to explore. This is the last out of the top 10 programming languages to learn in 2023. Also, know that there are other wonderful programming languages to learn and it most of the time depends on which career path you choose.
Note: this article is opinion based, and we will never force you against your own choice, we will only give you a better guide on what we think is better or what is proven to be better.
With over 700 programming languages, we understand that picking the right one can be a bit tricky for a newbie which is why we bring you this article, hope this will help guide your part to building your career in computer programming. You should also understand that the part you choose in computer programming has a crucial role in picking a programming language.
Example: A web developer's first choice will be JavaScript, Python, PHP, or Ruby, and a game or desktop app developer will go for C++, C, C#, etc, while an android app developer may want to go for Java, Kotlin, etc, and an IOS developer will go for swift, then a data scientist will go for Python, etc.
I hope this article helped you in making the right choice, thanks and goodbye from here.

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