Breaking: Adesanya knocks out Pereira in the second round

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Breaking: Adesanya knocks out Pereira in the second round image
It took Israel Adesanya just two rounds to end Alex Pereira's dominance and reclaim the middleweight title he lost last November 2022.

Bookmarks had favored Israel Adesanya to win, but you may not be too far from the truth if you say even he didn't see his victory coming that quickly.

Israel Adesanya has been in the shadows of the Brazilian since 2017, when they first met in kickboxing.

But one fierce from Izzy's right hand put out Pereira's lights and handed the belt to the Nigerian.

"Just before the decisive punch, it was looking like it was going to be a repeat of November when Pereira had Adesanya boxed into a corner, sending head kicks and body shots.

Israel Adesanya's response came out of the blues and caught Pereira unaware, putting him to sleep just like it was for Adesanya during their meeting in kickboxing.

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