Chile Frank-Udemgba explains why she is a woman and a half

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Chile Frank-Udemgba explains why she is a woman and a half image

In response to the modern, metropolitan woman's urgent need for self-expression and relaxation, which the male-dominated culture had up until that point not made provision for, the recreational venture Woman and Half was founded five years ago.
The initiative's founder, Chile Frank-Udemgba, gives a detailed account of WO, including information about its charitable arm and the motivation behind Chile's impending renaming of WO as WAH.
Chile Frank-Udemgba needed to take action after spending 15 years working for a reputable financial company, having a spouse and two kids, and feeling lost in her numerous responsibilities. "I suddenly realized how uninteresting my life was. I felt lost in all of these roles since I was simply going through the motions. I didn't want to be an elderly woman when I woke up in 20 years, having lived for others rather than for myself. While working hard but making no progress, I thought to myself, "What would be on my obituary?" Mother to...wife to...would be the only thing. They wouldn't have included my job description there, I'm pretty sure.
Though I wasn't alone, I was incredibly lonely.
Chile had an inkling that there were a lot of ladies living life without colour in her shoes. She went out to them, and as a result, her platform, Woman and Half, was born.
She says to WO, "I was not merely a woman. I am juggling a lot of responsibilities in my life. I am a woman and a half, not just a woman."
The seasoned banker claimed that it was almost like a cry for assistance. It was my sincere wish to leave a certain life behind and discover the little girl inside of me.
She began looking for people who shared her desire to just put aside their worries, socialize with others, and have fun, regardless of their marital status, and she was not shocked when it was enthusiastically welcomed.
I've been to a lot of events promoting women's empowerment. They talk to you about marriage, empowerment, and other topics. All of the programs seemed to be similar and skewed in the same direction, in my opinion. They have undercurrents of feminism and empowerment. I purposely set out to have fun with other women and act as though I don't have those obligations. We may return to our daily lives and carry on the fight. Men can do this with great comfort.

Her ultimate goal of transforming a previously culturally insensitive mentality ultimately came to pass with the organization of yearly activities, such as last year's women-only boat cruise to a well-known resort in Lagos State.
Nobody worried about their marriages, their children, or difficulties at work while on the staycation; we just wanted to relax.
But how simple was it to persuade the men? "Based on my own experience, there were several things I had taken for granted. Over the years, I believed that a woman should remain at home and prepare meals."
That's the way we were raised and for good reason. I realized that I needed to express my feelings more.
"It was all about preparation and making sure I had my husband's support. I take care to strike the necessary balance. I make sure to offer enough advance notice, but more importantly, I make it clear that doing this will make me pleased. It's highly significant."
Chile, on the other hand, rejects the idea of revolt, arguing that the need for solitude and self-care is not a reason to seize control of something.
"You need to demonstrate that this is just you wanting two or three days to yourself since the culture expects things to be a certain way. Your way of life stays the same.
Soon after, the initiative's charity arm was launched, mostly by accident. So far, it has raised and distributed more than to the sick: N67 million."
"I realized I could help when I noticed folks in need of tiny sums each time I went to Gbagada General Hospital to jog. I thought that if I went to all of my friends and asked them for N1,000, it would equal N100,000.
Chile wrote in a WhatsApp message to her pals in December 2017 that she wished to perform a miracle. The tremendous response gave rise to the so-called "1k Miracle Initiative."
In the first year, 1k Miracle distributed about N100,000 and has increased from two to 700 people.
Recently, the project was highlighted on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, where they won N500,000, which the organizers quadrupled and donated to the sick.
"We began visiting other hospitals at that point, including LUTH, LASUTH, Igbobi, and Massey. When the pandemic struck, we were no longer physically able to travel. However, I believe that offered a better chance to travel outside of Lagos. Our tentacles could now spread out.
The foundation helped with medical situations ranging from cataracts to cancer to childbirth throughout time by developing effective processes for case evaluations and accountability.

Then, as proof, recipients send their thank-you films.
She replied, "Those are the things that have given me that sense of identity and fulfillment."
"For Woman and Half, the plans call for a debut party in 2022 and trips to Ghana or Mauritius the following year. We host a conference-like event every year. The voyage has been interesting. We wear masks, and this connects a lot of women."
I once received a message from a woman saying, "Please, I don't want to attend all of these women's programs. You will feel inadequate when you leave."
She replied, "Those are the things that have given me that sense of identity and fulfillment."
"For Woman and Half, the plans call for a debut party in 2022 and trips to Ghana or Mauritius the following year. We host a conference-like event every year. The voyage has been interesting. We wear masks, and this connects a lot of women."
I once received a message from a woman saying, "Please, I don't want to attend all of these women's programs. You will feel inadequate when you leave."
No, our programs are not like that, I retorted. On the panels, we have speakers talking about important but lighthearted topics. We spend 80% of our time dancing, participating in fashion shows, and holding singing contests.
The oldest woman in the room, a 65-year-old woman, was the winner of the fashion parade in our most recent broadcast. The last time she had so much fun, she claimed, she could not even recall. Clubs are where you go when you're younger. When you get married, you'll discover that all the places you visit with your family are like Mr Biggs, and as your kids get older and move out, the only place to go for entertainment is the church.
You simply feel ancient when you enter a bar today because all the girls are only partially clad.

"You simply discover that the middle-aged woman has nowhere to lay her head and unwind. Men have viewing centres, but women have nowhere to go that doesn't cost a fortune."
The goal of Woman and Half in Chile is to mentor the next generation of women by reaching out to three groups of women: The Strivers, the Thrivers, and the Achievers.
Marriage won't make you whole, though. How are you accepting the idea that your children are no longer infants but also aren't yet adults if you are a Thriver? Consequently, you will feel ignored if you are not thriving. You suddenly become irrelevant. When your husband leaves, your only option is to focus all of your efforts on the same work that you have been doing for a long time and are getting tired of.
Family members are not necessary for our pleasure.
Shortly, Chile will change the name of Woman and Half to WAH for two reasons. The first is to draw the males in.
It's not meant to be a us vs them situation, but rather something positive. The adage "women are their worst enemies" is overused, but I contend that humans are our own worst enemies. A person's evil comes from within; it has nothing to do with their gender. The WAH movement in Chile is not a feminist one. We want to create strong, self-assured women who are motivated to improve themselves and make a positive difference in the world. If we can donate more than N65 million to those with medical challenges, it just goes to show that if there are 10 groups, we can, "Secondly, Chile could be my name, but it represents that guy or that woman who is courageous, humble, doesn't compromise on their integrity, lives their life with courage, and is humble no matter what they have accomplished. We won't be witnessing people die because they can't buy a pint of blood."
A Chilean, are you? Someone who, while embracing each day with courage, maintaining their identity, and demonstrating love to everyone they encounter? Enjoy your challenges. I want to be this tomorrow, therefore accept whatever is thrown your way without hesitation. What about right now?

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