DigitalOcean vs vultr 2023

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DigitalOcean vs vultr which one should I use? image Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

What Is DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting provider that offers cloud computing services. It provides a user-friendly platform with a focus on simplicity, making it popular among users of all skill levels. DigitalOcean's services include Virtual Private Servers (Droplets), managed databases, block storage, object storage, Kubernetes support, and an App Platform for easy application deployment and scaling.

DigitalOcean Products and Services

Virtual Private Servers (Droplets)

DigitalOcean's core offering is VPS hosting, where users can create and manage virtual machines with various configurations of CPU, RAM, and storage. Droplets are scalable and can be easily customized to suit specific application requirements.

Load Balancers

DigitalOcean provides Load Balancers that distribute incoming traffic across multiple Droplets to ensure high availability and reliability.

Managed Databases

DigitalOcean offers managed database services for popular databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Redis. This allows users to offload database administration tasks and focus on application development.

SSL Certificates

DigitalOcean offers SSL to encrypt the traffic between the website and your browser. This helps to encrypt data so that it cannot be read by unauthorized parties.

DigitalOcean offers Let's Encrypt SSL certificates which is free but only for 90 days.
If you already have an SSL Certificate, you also have the option of uploading it to DigitalOcean.

Block Storage

DigitalOcean provides block storage volumes that can be attached to Droplets to expand storage capacity without having to resize the entire VPS.

Object Storage (Spaces)

DigitalOcean's Spaces is an object storage service that allows users to store and serve large amounts of unstructured data like images, videos, and backups.


DigitalOcean supports Kubernetes for container orchestration, making it easier for users to manage and deploy containerized applications.

App Platform

The App Platform is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering that simplifies the process of deploying, managing, and scaling applications without the need to manage underlying infrastructure.

One Clicks App

DigitalOcean offers a marketplace of one-click apps, allowing users to deploy WordPress and other popular software.

Domains and DNS

DigitalOcean offers features for managing domains and DNS, such as adding and managing domains, using Let's Encrypt, delegated DNS, and custom DNS records. These features are easy to use and affordable.


DigitalOcean's pricing is based on a pay-as-you-go model, ensuring users only pay for the resources they use.
Pricing starts at $4/mo for Droplets.

Payment options available in DigitalOcean includes credotcard, PayPal, wire transfer and ACH transfer.
DigitalOcean however offers a 60-day free trial for new users.

Uptime and Support

DigitalOcean offers 99.9% uptime SLA(service level agreement) for it's Droplets.
DigitalOcean offers a 24/7 customer support through live chat, email, knowledge base, and community forum.


DigitalOcean provides a variety of security options including cloud firewalls, backups and encryptions inorder to protect user data from third party intrusion.

Why DigitalOcean is Worth Using?

User-Friendly Interface

DigitalOcean is straightforward and intuitive interface makes it easy for users to set up, manage, and monitor their cloud resources efficiently, even for those new to cloud computing.
DigitalOcean's simplicity and ease of use makes it an excellent choice for developers, small to medium-sized businesses, and individuals looking for a user-friendly cloud hosting experience.

Managed Databases and App Platform

The managed database services and App Platform simplify infrastructure management, allowing developers to focus on building and deploying applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Scalability and Pay-As-You-Go Pricing

With DigitalOcean you can easily, resize your resources and scale your applications up or down as needed. The platform offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model that ensures users pay for only the resources they use.

SSD Storage

DigitalOcean offers SSD storage for faster and better performance.

Global Data Center Presence

DigitalOcean has 15 data centers in different locations worldwide. This gives the users the advantage of hosting their website or application in a data center that is close to their target audience, thus reducing latency and improving the user experience.

What Is Vultr?

Vultr is a cloud infrastructure provider that focuses on high-performance cloud services and flexibility. It caters to developers and businesses seeking powerful and customizable cloud solutions. Vultr's offerings include Virtual Private Servers (VPS), dedicated bare metal servers, block storage, and a variety of one-click applications.

Vultr Products and Services

Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

Vultr provides VPS hosting with various plans that allow users to choose the desired amount of CPU, RAM, and storage resources based on their requirements.

Dedicated Cloud

For resource-intensive workloads, Vultr offers Dedicated Cloud, featuring high-performance dedicated servers that provide raw computing power for demanding applications.

Bare Metal

With Bare Metal servers, users can enjoy direct hardware access, optimizing performance and enhancing security for mission-critical applications.

Object Storage

Vultr's Object Storage solution provides a reliable and cost-effective way to store and access large amounts of unstructured data, such as backups, media files, and archives.

Block Storage

Vultr's block storage solution allows users to attach additional storage volumes to their VPS instances, expanding storage capacity as needed.

Load Balancers

To enhance reliability and performance, Vultr offers Load Balancers, distributing incoming traffic across multiple instances to ensure high availability and efficient resource utilization.


Vultr's managed Kubernetes service helps users to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications effortlessly.

One-Click Applications

Vultr offers a wide selection of one-click applications, enabling users to deploy popular software and applications quickly and effortlessly.

Snapshots and Backups

With DigitalOcean you can create snapshots of your servers and set up automated backups for data protection.

DNS Hosting

You can manage and maintain your domain names with DigitalOcean's DNS hosting service.

Private Networking

With Private Networking, users can securely interconnect their servers within the same data center, establishing a reliable and secure communication channel.

DDoS Protection

Security is a top priority for any cloud infrastructure, and Vultr's built-in DDoS protection safeguards your resources from distributed denial-of-service attacks, ensuring continuous availability.


Vultr provides 24/7 customer support through phone, live chat and email. Vultr also offers resources such as tutorials, forums to help its customers learn about its services and troubleshoot problems.


Vultr's pricing follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model, meaning users pay for only the resources they use.
Prices start with as low as $5 per month.

Vultr also offers free trial period for new users. When you create a free account you can use up to $100 in credits. This enables users to test out Vultr's service and see if it fits their needs.

Why Vultr is Worth Using?

Vultr's focus on high-performance and flexibility makes it an attractive choice for developers, businesses, and users with resource-intensive applications or specific performance requirements. Here are some reasons to choose Vultr:

User-friendly Interface

Vultr's intuitive control panel simplifies server management, making it easy even for users without extensive technical expertise.

One-Click Applications

The wide variety of one-click applications simplifies the deployment process, enabling users to quickly set up popular software and applications with ease.

Flexibility in Resource Customization

Vultr's VPS plans offer more flexibility in resource customization, allowing users to build tailored VPS plans to suit their specific needs.

Global Data Center

Vultr has 32 world wide locations. It's global data centers helps to ensure low latency and this leads to improving user experience.


Vultr uses high-performance SSD for all it's cloud servers, which can result in faster data access and improved performance.


Vultr's cloud infrastructure is built on a solid foundation, ensuring 99.9% uptime and minimal downtime for your applications and services.

Both DigitalOcean and Vultr are reputable cloud infrastructure providers, and choosing between them depends on your specific needs and preferences.

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