Man Cries Out to Court Over Wife's Beauty, He Seeks Divorce

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Arnold Masuka a Zambain man wants to divorce his wife Hilda Mleya of 10 years because he thinks she is too beautiful and unfaithful He says he suffers from insomnia and stress and that she does not respect him as the head of the family After listening to both parties, the court orders them to seek counselling instead of granting the divorce. Arnold Masuka is 40, while his wife is 30, Zambian Observer reports.

Arnold told Chief Chireya’s court in Gokwe that he was afraid of leaving his wife, Hilda Mleya alone as he feared she would attract other men.

Suffering from sleepless nights He said he was suffering from insomnia and stress because of her beauty.

He also accused her of being unfaithful and disrespectful. He claimed that she had once left him for another man and returned after two months. He said he had forgiven her but he could not trust her anymore. He also said that she did not respect him as the head of the family and she often insulted him in front of their children. The court heard that the couple have two children who are still in school. Chief Chireya advised Masuka to reconsider his decision and work on his marriage, but Masuka insisted that he wanted a divorce. The court did not grant the divorce but ordered the couple to seek counselling.

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