The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Tackles Peak Milk Over Offensive Easter Advert

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The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Tackles Peak Milk Over Offensive Easter Advert image
The CAN (Christian Association of Nigeria) has censured FrieslandCampina WAMCO Nigeria PLC over an offensive Easter advert/post they made with Peak Milk.

In a statement on Easter Monday, the General Secretary of CAN, Barrister Joseph Daramola, asked the company to retract the advert, tender an apology to Christians or face legal action and boycott of their products.

In the controversial advert, the company used the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as a metaphor to promote its product.

Daramola said
"We find this advert to be insensitive, offensive, and unacceptable. Good Friday is a solemn day for Christians all over the world, a day we commemorate the death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who was crucified on the cross for our sins. It is not a day to be used for crass commercial purposes."

He added that FrieslandCampina WAMCO Nigeria PLC’s action was disrespectful to the Christian faith and an indignity to millions of Christians in Nigeria and globally.
He said, "We are deeply disappointed that a company of such reputation would stoop so low to exploit the religious sentiments of its customers for profit.
We call on the company to issue an unreserved apology to the Christian community and withdraw the offensive advert immediately."

He also recalled a similar incident in the past, when Sterling Bank Plc used crucifixion imagery to promote its product, stating that it condemned it then and now.

Lastly Daramola concluded by saying:
"We, therefore, urge all companies and organizations to be mindful of the religious and cultural sensitivities of their customers when promoting their products. We will not tolerate any attempt to trivialize or disrespect our faith. Be warned."

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