Tips for becoming a successful public speaker, and monetizing your skill

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Tips for becoming a successful public speaker image Photo by Priscilla on Unsplash

Public speaking can be a lucrative endeavor if you excel in your craft. It is possible for anyone to become a great public speaker by honing their skills and capitalizing on the right opportunities to monetize those skills.
To establish a successful career in public speaking, it is crucial to excel in your field due to the competitive nature of the industry. Once you have achieved proficiency, you can then explore ways to monetize your abilities. Improving your public speaking skills is an essential step towards this goal.
Here are some valuable tips to help you become a better public speaker:

Know Your Topic Inside Out

It is crucial to thoroughly prepare your topic well in advance of your performance. Immerse yourself in research and gain a deep understanding of every aspect of your subject matter. The last thing you want is to step onto the stage and provide inaccurate information.
Continuously delve into your topic, even after initial research. Never stop learning about your topic of discussion until you are sure that you have done enough. You do not want the embarrassment of being unable to answer an audience member's question related to your topic. Always ensure meticulous preparation beforehand.

Be Audible

As a public speaker, it is crucial to avoid mumbling or producing incoherent sounds that may confuse your audience. Your goal is to ensure that every word you speak is heard clearly and understood without any misinterpretation. The ability to be audible is a defining characteristic of a skilled speaker, as it enables your message to reach even those in the farthest corners of the room. Remember, you are not simply speaking to yourself, but to a diverse group of individuals. Embrace the power of your voice and be audibly captivating.

Be Confident

Confidence plays a crucial role in public speaking, as it enables the effective delivery of messages. Overcoming stage fright is essential for anyone aspiring to become a successful public speaker. Building confidence is a gradual process, but it is attainable with consistent effort.
When you exude confidence, your audience is more likely to pay attention and engage with your speech. Shyness or nervousness can diminish the impact of your message, leading to a loss of interest from listeners.
You can build your confidence by maintaining a positive mindset. Believe in yourself and your ability to speak in public. Inorder to avoid self doubt, It is better you clear your mind of every thought before you mount the stage. The moment you mount the stage, your speaking begins and their is no room for any thoughts except the message you are to deliver.

Start By Grabbing Your Audience Attention

Start your speech in an interesting manner. It is the way you begin your speech that would determine if your audience would be eager to listen or not. You need to grab your audience attention right from the beginning of your speech. Make them enthusiastic about what the rest of your speech is going to be about. Never bore your audience or they would get tired of listening. Your speech shouldn't be too long, it shouldn't also be too short. It should be short enough to keep your audience wanting more and long enough not to get them bored. If necessary, tell stories. Be creative with your overall speaking pattern.

Focus On the Positive Faces

While delivering your speech, direct your attention towards individuals who exude positive facial expressions rather than those who appear negative or indifferent. It's important to recognize that not everyone will smile, irrespective of the quality of your speech. Some individuals may not naturally possess a smiling disposition. By consciously focusing on individuals with positive facial expressions, you can enhance your confidence, motivating you to continue delivering a compelling presentation. Paying too much attention to negative facial expressions may create discomfort and a sense of inadequacy, potentially impacting your speech negatively and undermining your confidence and ability to excel.

Know Your Audience

It is essential to inquire about the individuals you will be addressing. This knowledge will assist you in shaping your approach, choosing appropriate words, organizing your content, and effectively disseminating information. Recognizing your audience's preferences and characteristics not only alleviates stress but also streamlines your work, making it easier and more impactful.

Interact With Your Audience

Interaction with your audience should be utilized judiciously, taking into account the nature of the event and the audience's characteristics. When appropriate, embrace opportunities to engage with your audience. This not only enhances your confidence but also captivates their attention. People appreciate being included and valued, so encouraging their participation will make them more eager to listen. Foster an interactive environment, where it's not just you speaking, but a collective conversation. Embrace the enjoyable aspect of this interaction, where learning becomes a pleasurable experience. However, it's important to strike a balance and not go overboard with excessive informality.

Keep An accommodating Look

When you step onto the stage, the first thing your audience will notice is your facial expression. It's crucial to radiate an inviting and cheerful look, perhaps even with a warm smile. By doing so, you create an immediate connection with your audience and dispel any potential apprehension. People are naturally drawn to friendly faces, and when you project positivity, they are more likely to engage and pay attention to your message. Remember, you want to captivate your audience from the moment you begin speaking, and a friendly demeanor sets the stage for a successful presentation.

Body Language

Your body language holds significant importance. The subtle cues you project are readily observed by your audience. Avoid fidgeting with your hands, as it can be perceived as nervousness. Instead, keep your hands relaxed and at ease. Refrain from trembling or holding your breath, as these actions can undermine your confidence. It's crucial to avoid making awkward sounds, allowing yourself to be free from such distractions. Embrace a sense of liberation. Even the way you walk should exude confidence. Hold your head high, with pride evident in every step. Avoid looking down; instead, maintain focused eye contact with your audience. When moving across the stage, do so with purpose, avoiding stumbling or staggering. Walk with authority and own the space. Remember, the stage is now yours to command. Don't confine yourself to a specific area; feel free to move around. Utilize the stage to your advantage, allowing your movements to amplify the message you wish to convey.

Be Ready For The Unexpected

It is essential to be prepared for any situation, as unforeseen events can occur at any time. Even minor accidents such as stumbling or slipping on stage can happen. Therefore, it is crucial to be ready to handle these situations with grace and composure. By being prepared, you can confidently manage such incidents and even turn them into moments of humor, sharing a laugh with your audience. In doing so, you will realize that these mishaps are insignificant and can proceed with your speech smoothly.

Deliver An Epic End

Make sure to conclude your speech in a way that leaves your audience longing for more. Deliver an epic ending that makes them wish your talk could go on forever.


As the age-old saying goes, "practice makes perfect," the importance of continuous practice cannot be overstated. To enhance your public speaking abilities, it is crucial to engage in a variety of activities. Start by immersing yourself in books about public speaking, exploring the techniques and strategies employed by successful speakers, both past and present. Additionally, watching videos of accomplished public speakers can offer valuable insights and inspiration.
Consider testing your skills in front of a group of friends or seeking guidance from a mentor.

Once you have mastered your skills in public speaking, you open up opportunities to speak at various events and shows. As your expertise grows, you may find yourself addressing larger audiences on the world's grandest stages. This proficiency can pave the way for financial success by capitalizing on your public speaking abilities. Below are some ways in which you can monetize your Public speaking skills.

Ways To Monetize Your Public Speaking Skills.

  1. Speaking Engagements: As a skilled public speaker, you can secure paid speaking opportunities at conferences, seminars, and corporate events. You can negotiate speaking fees for sharing your knowledge and captivating audiences.

  2. Workshops and Training: Consider offering workshops or training sessions on public speaking techniques, effective communication, or other related topics. People are often willing to pay for guidance and practical tips to improve their own speaking abilities.

  3. Online Courses and Webinars: Develop and market online courses or webinars that cater to aspiring public speakers. This allows you to reach a wider audience and generate passive income as participants enroll in your programs.

  4. Write A Book: Write a book or an eBook on public speaking, communication skills, or related topics. Publishing a book not only establishes you as an authority but also serves as a passive income stream through royalties.

In summary, being a good public speaker is a valuable skill that can unlock a world of opportunities for you, when mastered. Whether you are presenting to a small group or addressing a large audience, the ability to communicate effectively and confidently is a powerful tool. Embrace the power of your words, connect with your audience, and make a difference through the art of public speaking.

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