What Is Dropshipping and How Does It Work? Dropshipping Business (Ultimate Guide)

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What Is Dropshipping and How it Works image Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash


Dropshipping is an order fulfillment method where a business is not required to store or own the products it sells in stock. Instead, the seller sells the product and passes on the sales order to a third-party supplier, who then processes and ships the order to his acquired customer.
The main work of the store is to get customers, who are willing to buy their listed items. They don't have to own any product at all, but they can list and sell as many products as possible.

Before you jump in, always understand that dropshipping business is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
Dropshipping is one of the first choices of anyone trying to make money online, with little capital and knowledge.
Sure, it may seem like easy money since you sell other people's goods and take a cut for yourself.
But that is not all. Dropshipping business requires hard work, seriousness, and effort, you need to acquire as many customers as possible, and you also need an inventory, and it could be a paid one. And in some platforms, you need to be paying monthly for your store, and if you are unable to make a sale you may end up losing your money.

But if you approach it the right way and with the right tools, you can build a successful business and make a huge profit, but maybe not as quickly as you may have hoped.

Who is a dropshipper?

A dropshipper is a person or business that benefits from the dropshipping model of marketing and selling products that are owned and managed by third-party, instead of warehousing and shipping the products themselves.

Benefits of dropshipping

Dropshipping is a great business model because it's easily accessible to everyone willing to start eCommerce with little funds. Below are most of the benefits of dropshipping.

  • Requires less capital
    This is probably one of the best advantages of dropshipping because it allows you to launch an e-commerce store without having to invest thousands of dollars in inventory first. Traditionally, retailers had to arrange large amounts of capital to purchase inventory before owning a store.

    But with the dropshipping model, you don't need to buy any product unless you've already made a sale and have been paid by the customer.

    You can start sourcing products and launch a successful dropshipping business with very little money.
    And because you don’t commit to selling off pre-purchased inventory, there’s less risk when it comes to starting a dropshipping store or testing a new product line on your store.

  • Easy to get started
    Running an e-commerce business requires huge amount of capital, but dropshipping has simplified this. With dropshipping, you don’t have to worry about maximum start-up capital.

    • You don't need to own any warehouse,

    • You don't need to worry about packing and shipping of customers' orders,

    • You don't have to worry about tracking inventory for accounting reasons,

    • You don't have to stick to only one product, you are always exposed to many product owners,

    • Returns and inbound shipments are not handled by you.

  • Low cost
    Because you don't have to purchase or manage inventory, your overall costs are pretty low. Many successful dropshipping stores are run as home-based businesses, requiring only a laptop and a few recurring expenses to operate. As you grow, these costs will likely increase but will still be lower than in traditional businesses.

  • Flexible location
    A dropshipping business can work from anywhere with an internet connection. As long as you can communicate with your suppliers and customers, you can run and manage your business anywhere, anytime.

  • Wide selection of products for sale
    Since you do not need to pre-purchase the items you sell, you can offer a wide range of products to your potential customers. If a supplier has an item you find profitable in stock, you can list it for sale on your online store at no additional cost. You are free to pick from as many suppliers as possible.

  • Easier to test or check products
    Dropshipping is a very lucrative business, both for opening a new store and for people looking to test customer interest in additional product categories. Again, the main benefit of dropshipping is the ability to list and potentially sell products before committing to buying large amounts of inventory.

  • Very easy to scale
    With a traditional retail business, when ever you receive more orders, you will usually need to do more work. But by leveraging dropshipping, most of the work to process additional orders will be borne by the suppliers, allowing you to expand with fewer growing pains and less incremental work.

Sales growth will always bring additional work, especially related to customer support, but businesses that utilize dropshipping scale particularly well relative to traditional e-commerce businesses.

Challenges of dropshipping

All the benefits we mentioned make dropshipping a very attractive model for anyone getting started with an online store, or for those looking to expand their existing product offerings. But you should also understand that dropshipping has its downsides too. Here are a few shortcomings to bear in mind.

  • Low margins
    Low-profit margins are one of the biggest disadvantages of operating in a highly competitive environment like dropshipping. Because it’s relatively easy for anyone to get started, and the start-up capital is so minimal, many competing stores will set up shop and sell items at very low prices. Since they’ve invested so little in getting the business started, they can afford to operate it with very low margins.

    Typically, these sellers will start with a low-quality website and poor customer service, so they will still make a profit by dropping the price of the same product you have at a bit higher price. And the customer will not always compare the services and quality of websites rather there are looking for a lower price. This is one of the challenges you may have, but once you build a trusted brand, customers will always look for you. If you need a professional and custom website, contact Withubb Ltd and get a website for yourself or your business

  • Inventory issues
    If you stock all your products, it’s relatively simple to keep track of which items are in and out of stock. But when you’re sourcing from multiple warehouses, which are also fulfilling orders for other merchants, inventory can change daily. Fortunately, these days, there are a handful of apps that let you sync with suppliers. So drop shippers can "pass along" orders to a supplier with a click or two and should be able to see in real-time how much inventory the supplier has.

  • Supplier error
    You can be blamed for an unknown error or something you know nothing about, and you must accept and bear the responsibility without any justification.

    Even the best dropshipping providers make mistakes when fulfilling some orders, mistakes for which the blame will be shifted to you and you will have no option but to take responsibility. And mediocre and shoddy suppliers will cause endless frustration. Missing items, damaged goods, and low-quality packaging can also damage your business’s reputation, and it's all your responsibility and headache.

  • Customization and branding issue
    Unlike make-to-order or print-on-demand products, dropshipping doesn’t give you control over the product itself. As you already know that you are not the one who owns the product, all the products design and branding are done by the supplier.

    Even though some of Alibaba’s dropshipping suppliers can accommodate your business product changes, even then, the supplier has the most control over the product itself.

  • Complicated shipping cost
    When you work with multiple suppliers as most drop shippers do then the products on your online store will be handled or offered through different logistics companies. This can complicate your shipping costs, and confuse your customers.

    An example is when a customer orders multiple items, which are only available from separate suppliers. You will incur three separate shipping charges when you ship each item to a customer but is not advisable to show the shipping charges to the customer. This can also be a complication when calculating your store expenses.

How to succeed in dropshipping

Unlike another legal way of making a lifetime income stream for yourself, it always comes with prices and to-do. Dropshipping is one of the best and easiest ways of generating income as a business owner.
But you always have to understand that this is not completely stress-free, you always have to work hard to start a dropshipping business.

This model has certain advantages, and strategies, with some built-in complications that you will need to deal with.

Some strategies you need to apply:

  1. Research deeply to choose the right niches and suppliers.

  2. Use multiple suppliers to improve success rates and provide a backup plan.

  3. Choose products carefully to make sure they are available or interchangeable.

  4. Track data and analytics to see what’s working and what needs tweaking.

  5. Prioritize customer service and support to keep shoppers coming back.

We hope you now understand what dropshipping business is all about, from here you can make appropriate decisions.

Whether you’re interested in finding a side hustle, starting a new full-time enterprise, or changing the business model behind your existing online store, dropshipping may be the answer you’re looking for.

Dropshipping comes with several built-in complexities you'll need to handle. But with careful planning and consideration, you can always resolve those issues and create a profitable dropshipping business.

we will still cover more topics on dropshipping in another chapter, we will love to see you again, thank you.

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